Category Articles

Article In Writer’s Digest

Hey check it out! I have a new article in the January issue of Writer’s Digest. “If Walls Could Talk” is about lessons I learned from visiting the houses of Mark Twain, Jack London, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and…

Article: Give ’em enough rope…

Happy Halloween! Take a look at my most recent article for the Pacific Sun about the last public hanging in Marin County. It resulted in a near-riot as a bloodthirsty crowd watched the hanging of a Chinese man. Sample: On…

Article: Shadow City

I have an article in the Pacific Sun this week. It’s about how the town of Tiburon is looking at putting cameras on the roads going into town to scan the license plates of all its visitors. The fortress of…

Article: Publishers roll out book trailers

I have an article in The Writer about book trailers. Publishers are starting to make advertisements for books very much like movie trailers. I explored this phenomenon in the current issue of the magazine–check it out on newsstands if you…

Article(s): Beneath the Sea and Roof Positive

I have a couple of articles in this issue of the Pacific Sun. One is about Davidson Seamount, a giant underwater volcano that they are just now starting to explore. They have found amazing sea creatures down there. Excerpt: In…

Article: Guided By Voices

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Voicetrax, a voice-over training school in Sausalito and wrote about my experience for the Pacific Sun: As with most people, I don’t like hearing the sound of my voice. Even though I…

Article: Wide Open Spaces

As someone who works at home, I felt a special affinity to my article on coworking in Northbay Biz Magazine. Coworking is a trend where creative professionals such as writers, software developers, graphic designers, etc., go in together on the…

Article: Twisted Fairy Tales

One of the coolest parts of my job is that I get to go experience people’s lives every now and then. Last week I interviewed local artist Mike Garlington for the North Bay Bohemian. I visited Garlington at his studio…

Article: School house rocked

I wrote an article on homeschooling for this week’s issue of the Pacific Sun. I grew up in a church basement school and have been around homeschoolers all my life, so I was surprised to learn that a. a lot…

Article: Oh, Nellie!

Well hello. I interviewed singer Nellie McKay for the North Bay Bohemian last week. It is on newsstands now. Excerpt: Nellie McKay may have artistic ADD. The singer-songwriter, who performs at the Mystic Theatre on Aug. 18, doesn’t just write…

Article: Is product placement in books inevitable?

I have an article in this issue of The Writer, which you can get in the magazine section of your local bookstore. It’s about product placement in books. How often are publishers putting paid mention of a product in books?…

Article(s):Ancient Mariner and Bride Wore Green

I have a couple of articles coming out. In the most recent issue of Bay Nature, I wrote an article looking at the Pacific leatherback turtle. This amazing turtle–the biggest turtle in the world, in fact–migrates through the Bay Area…