Category Articles

Article: Luther Burbank Experiment Farm In Via

Want to learn about the white blackberry, the spineless cactus, or the trifoliate orange? Consider taking a trip to the Luther Burbank Experiment Farm, which I wrote about for Via Magazine.

Fiddle-dee-dee! 18 Facts About Vivien Leigh

When I was a kid, Vivien Leigh was one of my heroes. My admiration was re-awakened by this recent Mental Floss article Fiddle-dee-dee! 18 Facts About Vivien Leigh. She was a fascinating lady.

Article: Bearizona In Via Magazine

Thinking of going to the Grand Canyon this year? Then check out my most recent article in Via Magazine. It’s about nearby Bearizona, a wildlife park featuring bears, buffaloes, and other North American wildlife. See bears up close*! * From…

LM Montgomery In Mental Floss

Speaking of Anne of Green Gables, my most recent article is all about the author of Anne of Green Gables, LM Montgomery. 14 Facts About ‘Anne of Green Gables’ Author L.M. Montgomery Here’s an excerpt: 6. She wrote despite a…

Article In Via

If you have AAA, check out this issue of Via Magazine. I have an article in there on the Charles M Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa. It’s a pretty nifty place.

Mental Floss Round-Up

Have you been checking out all the awesome articles I’ve been writing for Mental Floss? Here’s a couple of the most recent ones: 14 Fascinating Facts About Foxes 16 Facts About ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ 15 Facts…

Article: 10 Crazy Creations of “Plant Wizard” Luther Burbank

Did you catch my latest article in Mental Floss? It’s called 10 Crazy Creations of “Plant Wizard” Luther Burbank. It’s about white blackberries, thornless cactus, pitless plums, and the russett potato. Even if you haven’t heard of Luther Burbank, you…

Article: 19 Rare Recordings of Famous Authors

My most recent article for Mental Floss is 19 Rare Recordings of Famous Authors. Click to hear recordings of Hemingway (he’s drunk!), F Scott Fitzgerald, Jack Kerouac, Flannery O’Connor, Virginia Woolf, and many more.