Category Joy’s Work

Article: 19 Rare Recordings of Famous Authors

My most recent article for Mental Floss is 19 Rare Recordings of Famous Authors. Click to hear recordings of Hemingway (he’s drunk!), F Scott Fitzgerald, Jack Kerouac, Flannery O’Connor, Virginia Woolf, and many more.

Articles: Birds In Mental Floss

My articles for Mental Floss this month were about birds! Check it out: 10 Weird and Wonderful Bird Nests Annnnnnd: 9 Bizarre Bird Mating Rituals

Article Redux: 5 Writing Lessons Inspired by Famous Writers

Writer’s Digest posted an article I wrote that originally appeared in the magazine: 5 Writing Lessons Inspired by Famous Writers. A sample: I was 16 when I visited the cabin where Mark Twain wrote “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras…

Article: 10 Surprising Facts About Archie Comics

I have a new article with Mental Floss: 10 Surprising Facts About Archie Comics. Remember that time Archie was a superhero called Captain Pureheart? Remember the Archie Andrews radio show? Remember that time Archie was used to piss off The…

Article: 9 Controversial Experiments In Rewilding

I have a new article up at Mental Floss called 9 Controversial Experiments In Rewilding. Excerpt: Strange as it is to imagine, at one point lions roamed Europe, horses galloped over Spain, and jaguars prowled parts of the United States.…

I Was Interviewed

AdviceToWriters interviewed me about being a writer. How nice! Here’s a sample of the interview: What’s your advice to new writers? Learn to love discipline. Set up a schedule for yourself—a word count to hit, an amount of time at…

Edit Your Novel With Math In McSweeneys

I have a short humor piece in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. It’s called Edit Your Novel With Math. A sample: With scissors, cut out all unique words used in the novel. Put these words in a bowl of water for three…

Article: What Was On The First Christmas Menu?

My newest article in Mental Floss is 39 Dishes from the First Christmas Menu, Published in 1660. If the thought of planning Christmas dinner makes you nervous, be glad you weren’t born in the Renaissance. The earliest known published Christmas…

New Article: Why Are Santa Claus’s Bones Leaking?

My newest article on Mental Floss is about Santa Claus. It turns out that a church in Bari, Italy has St. Nicholas’s remains and they claim that his bones are releasing a sweet smelling liquid that they call manna. Every…

Article: 5 Obscure Looney Tunes Cartoons

Check out my newest for Mental Floss: 5 Obscure Looney Tunes Cartoons. That’s right, weird, cool, visually interesting cartoons for your Thanksgiving enjoyment. Watch them now before Warner Brothers takes them down!