Category Joy’s Work

Article: Secret Garden In Mental Floss

I have a new post up at Mental Floss: 8 Lovely Facts About The Secret Garden. I was surprised to learn that Frances Hodgson Burnett’s classic book is basically an allegory for Christian Science. Weird. Click here to read the…

My Article Among Biggest Literary Stories Of 2015

Literary Hub mentioned my article in The Atlantic about literary journals charging reading fees to submitting writers among The 50 Biggest Literary Stories of the Year. It’s under number 31: Literary Journals Making Money Off Slush Piles. Check it out!

Book Review: Felicia Day’s Memoir

I reviewed Felicia Day’s memoir You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)for KQED, including thoughts on GamerGate. READ IT HERE.

Article: Great Expectations in Mental Floss

Did you catch my most recent article in Mental Floss? It’s 11 Dickensian Facts About ‘Great Expectations’. Did you know Estella may have been based on Charles Dickens’s mistress? Also, remember the 1998 movie version with Gwyneth Paltrow and Ethan…

Article: Luther Burbank Experiment Farm In Via

Want to learn about the white blackberry, the spineless cactus, or the trifoliate orange? Consider taking a trip to the Luther Burbank Experiment Farm, which I wrote about for Via Magazine.