Article: Le Bistro Restaurant Review

Check it out: This week’s issue of the Bohemian has my restaurant review of Le Bistro in Petaluma. Le Bistro By Joy Lanzendorfer I had heard a lot about Le Bistro in Petaluma. After all, the restaurant, sitting unobtrusively on…

Jack London Park Hike

On Saturday, Marcia and I went for a hike at the Jack London park in Glen Ellen. We saw the ruins of the house of a famous writer, a mountain, vineyards, lots of dragonflies, and lizards–including the blue-tailed skink. We…

Kyle’s Newest Article

Kyle’s newest TechTarget article is up: How remote management saved me an emergency flight overseas. Excerpt: They say timing is everything. This is especially true when you plan a server deployment. When crucial equipment arrives at the wrong time, it…

Everybody’s Doing It

Eight Facts About Me: The rules: 1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. 2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about…

Article: Let the game begin

Last month, I spent time talking to video game developers in Marin County. I got to go to their offices, ask them about their games, and think about having fun a lot. It was, well… fun. The resulting article is…

I Enjoy Flamingos

The other week I played hooky and went to the zoo. There was almost no one there and I got close to the animals. I liked the owl that swiveled its head to stare at me and the monkeys with…

New Family Member

We got a kitten! He is two months, supposedly, though the vet says if he is, he is big for that age. He’s a Siamese/Lynx Tail mix. His tail looks a little bit like someone dipped a feather in ink,…

Weekend Part II: Flogging Molly

I’ve been wanting to see Flogging Molly live for a long time, so on Saturday, we went to the Oyster and Beer Fest in San Francisco. The cost for admissions for a full day of music was a reasonable $15.…

Weekend in Two Parts

It was the weekend of festivals. On Saturday, I went to the San Francisco Oyster and Beer Fest to see the band Flogging Molly. On Sunday, I went to Maker Faire in San Mateo, which is put on by O’Reilly…

I Figured Out Why My Hands Are Sore

Last night, I dreamt about vampires. I was in a big quasi-Victorian room like an old-fashioned laboratory with card cabinets and nooks and doorways. Most of the dream consisted of me locking windows because it was going to be night…