House Update #3

This weekend I was sick with the stomach flu. I have never had one before. I spent two days lying on the couch watching movies and fighting a 102 degree fever. I was so bored. Stupid! Anyway, before getting sick,…

2007 New Year’s Survey

2006 was full of excitement and socializing. By contrast, 2007 was much slower and more introspective. In some ways I like that better, but there’s less to brag about at the end of it all. My accomplishments for 2007 included:…

70s Wallpaper

News! My dining room is lined with this 1970s wallpaper complete with fluorescent-orange flowers. It’s a Christmas miracle!

Knoppix Hacks Second Edition Is Out

The sequel to Kyle’s best-selling tech book Knoppix Hacks is now in stores. The new book has many many more hacks and all the new information about the most recent distributions of Knoppix. Book Description: If you think Knoppix is…

House Update #2

Last week, we had two big projects around here. One was putting in the tankless water heater, thanks to my wonderful father who came down and taught Kyle how to plumb in three days time. We went from this: To…

Moved In, Now

We’re moved into the house. It took four good friends, two solid days, and lots and lots of boxes, bags, and milk cartons, but here we are. It’s strange to break your life down and move it to a new…

Wood Paneling Is Ugly

Our move-in date is this Saturday. I just keep telling myself that we are almost at the finish line. It will be nice to have ONE home again next week. And a home I own, too. The kind of thing…

Give Those Writers More Money, Already

Given the quality of most TV shows these days, I’m not sure Hollywood writers deserve more money. Ha ha. Just kidding. Here’s an interesting little video from the excellent writers of The Office about the writer’s strike. Hey I’m sympathetic.…

Article: The Quiet and The Dead

Check out my new article in the Pacific Sun on Coast Miwok death ceremonies: When a person died in a Coast Miwok village, everything went quiet. People spoke in whispers and moved gently, hushing their children and cringing at every…