Kentucky Day 5-8

Dear Marcia, When I got to the conference, the organizers recognized me–California to Kentuckians is like saying you are from Morocco or something–and I realized how small the conference was. It made me self-conscious and I hid behind a column…

Kentucky Day 2-4

Dear Marcia, I had to do some work today, which is never fun on vacation. I conducted the most frustrating interview ever in the back of a car with my cell phone cramping my neck, a dying computer, and people…

Kentucky Day 1

Two weeks ago, Kyle and I went to Kentucky to visit relatives and for me to attend the Woman’s Writer of Kentucky Conference. Instead of re-writing the entire trip, I decided to just paste up my (edited) e-mails to Marcia,…

Kyle to Write the Official Ubuntu Server Book

Kyle is going to be writing a new book in the next couple of months. It will be the Official Ubuntu Server Book, published by Prentice Hall in late spring/early summer. He is co-writing the book with Benjamin Mako Hill,…

Lassen Day Two

The next day, I was really sore from the hike and sleeping on the ground. We drove to a cinder cone that formed in the 1700s. It was by something called the Fantastic Lava Flows, and they were indeed fantastic—piles…

Lassen Day One

Purple lakes. Boiling puddles. Black pyramid-like cinder cones. Sound like crazy land? No! This is what I saw on my camping trip to Lassen Volcanic National Park a couple of weekends ago, which I went on with Kyle, Justin, and…

Humboldt County Road Trip

Last week, Marcia and I went on a road trip to the place where I grew up: Humboldt County, California. We stayed at Trinidad Bed and Breakfast in Trinidad. We had an entire apartment to ourselves with a kitchen and…

Article: Wide Open Spaces

As someone who works at home, I felt a special affinity to my article on coworking in Northbay Biz Magazine. Coworking is a trend where creative professionals such as writers, software developers, graphic designers, etc., go in together on the…

Article: Twisted Fairy Tales

One of the coolest parts of my job is that I get to go experience people’s lives every now and then. Last week I interviewed local artist Mike Garlington for the North Bay Bohemian. I visited Garlington at his studio…