Twilight Was Hilarious

I watched the Twilight movie out of curiosity. At first I thought it was boring, and then I realized it was hilarious. I was laughing my head off throughout the entire thing. After all, it is little more than an…

But I’m Not Patient…

“Of course any novelist has difficulties. I don’t have ‘blocks,’ I mean I don’t get into a state where absolutely nothing can be done for weeks; I can always do something, though the something that I do may have to…

Article(s): Beneath the Sea and Roof Positive

I have a couple of articles in this issue of the Pacific Sun. One is about Davidson Seamount, a giant underwater volcano that they are just now starting to explore. They have found amazing sea creatures down there. Excerpt: In…

Solomon by Cole Porter

I consider this a public service. For year, I have wanted to find “Solomon” by Cole Porter somewhere on the Internet. I had this song on a much-loved Cole Porter album when I was a kid and I remembered “Solomon”…

Crocker Art Museum

I didn’t get to go snowmobiling because the weather didn’t cooperate, but that didn’t stop us from visiting Troy and Krista in Sacramento this weekend. We walked around downtown, ate good food, and visited the Crocker Art Museum. The Crocker…

Lake Sonoma Hike

On Saturday, Marcia and I took advantage of the amazing weather and went for a hike by Lake Sonoma near Geyserville. The trail we hiked was called Boar Scat Trail. There were several warnings about wild boars on the sign…

Guest Bathroom Before & After

Before After New everything: new sink, floor, walls, toilet, light fixture. It was a lot of work! Luckily, my parents helped. I’m pretty happy with the results. I learned that I don’t like tiling.

San Juan Bautista

On Sunday, Kyle and I decided to check out the mission in San Juan Bautista. It’s the Spanish mission that was featured in Hitchcock’s film Vertigo. It is the largest mission in California and still an operating church. I’ve been…

Cow as Muse?

There’s this blog about the Daily Routines of writers and artists. Most of it is pretty boring. I will simplify what most writers–including me–do for you: They get up early in the morning, have coffee, and write until between noon…

Sylvia Plath Interview

This is SO AWESOME! It is a two part interview with Sylvia Plath. I have wanted to hear this for years and some wonderful person finally put it up on YouTube. No matter how grumpy I get about new technology…