Spain 3: Granada

More Spanish countryside Oh you’re still here? Okay, so the third part of the trip was Granada, which was a lovely town. Kyle and I agreed it was our favorite place we visited in Spain. It was small enough to…

Spain 2: Tarifa and Morocco

View from the train on the way to Tarifa Tarifa is the Southern most city in Spain. We decided to go down there, spend the night, and then cross the water to Morocco to spend a day in Tangier before…

Spain 1: Madrid

Okay, this is old news now, but did you know I went to Spain? It was a nice trip. October is a great time to go. The weather was beautiful, in the low 70s the whole time. We went all…

Our New Car

I know, you have been expecting me to write about Spain on here. And I will. But in the meantime, here is our new car: a 1970 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia convertible. My 1993 Honda Civic is on its last legs,…

Short Story: Five People Describe Burning Up

The short story I read last week is now up on Bang Out’s site, so now you can read it too. It is called “Five People Describe Burning Up,” in keeping with the heat theme. Excerpt: 1. Debbie: I’m coming…

Come See Me Read

This Saturday, I am going to be reading a short story for the BANG OUT Reading Series in San Francisco. The theme is HEAT. I will be reading with 6 other people, and I believe it is free. Bargain! The…

Gold Rush Trip Part 2

So where was I? Ah yes, that night, we stayed at a bed and breakfast in Muphys called Dunbar House. It was built in the 1880s. I forgot to take a picture, so here is one from the hotel’s website:…

Behold the Boob Egg

We interrupt the story of the gold rush trip to show you this, Penny’s 13th egg, otherwise called The Boob Egg. Complete with nipple. Nature, you are so weird.

Gold Rush Trip Part 1

Last week, Kyle went to conferences in Las Vegas and I dragged Marcia on a road trip to the gold country. It was for research on a project I’m working on. Suddenly, I found I needed to check out historical…

Penny Laid an Egg

Penny has been inclined to make nests and hide lately–what they call broody behavior. Then today, this was in the pen. I think it’s cute.