And Now, Hot Air Balloons

[Image] On the morning I moved to Sonoma County, there was a single hot air balloon floating over a vineyard just off the highway. I knew this was the place for me to live. I’ve never been up in one…


On a recent walk, I took a picture of this woman watching a 2-year-old have a fit in an outdoor restaurant. The kid wanted to look at a boat in the Petaluma river, his parents wanted him to eat his…

Baby’s First Hike

On Saturday, we took Gideon on his first hike. He slept through much of it.

January List

I like list blog entries. Here is a list: * January is the best time to go wine tasting. The wineries are empty and the bored winery employees give you special treatment. * I bought this fox print by Carson…

Happy 2013

My friend Laura made this. I like it. 2012 was one of the best years of my life. A lot of that has to do with having Gideon, of course. But so many big things happened that any one of…

DevOps Troubleshooting Is Here

DevOps Troubleshooting: Linux Server Best Practices is out! I am so proud of Kyle for finishing his 8th book! In DevOps Troubleshooting: Linux Server Best Practices, award-winning Linux expert Kyle Rankin brings together all the standardized, repeatable techniques your team…

Article In Writer’s Digest

Hey check it out! I have a new article in the January issue of Writer’s Digest. “If Walls Could Talk” is about lessons I learned from visiting the houses of Mark Twain, Jack London, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and…

Kyle On Make Blog

More from Make: Kyle wrote a post for their blog titled A Printrbot Fixed My Dishwasher. It did!

Gideon In Make Magazine

Check it out! Gideon is in the current issue of Make Magazine. He’s holding a rolling hedgehog toy that Kyle made for him through our Printrbot. That is to say, Kyle printed the toy out in plastic. Here’s a bigger…