And Now, Hot Air Balloons
[Image] On the morning I moved to Sonoma County, there was a single hot air balloon floating over a vineyard just off the highway. I knew this was the place for me to live. I’ve never been up in one…
[Image] On the morning I moved to Sonoma County, there was a single hot air balloon floating over a vineyard just off the highway. I knew this was the place for me to live. I’ve never been up in one…
I have a short humor/satire piece in Defenestration this morning. It’s inspired by toy shopping over the holidays. Check it out: The Lil’ Richy Einstein Play-a-Majig.
On a recent walk, I took a picture of this woman watching a 2-year-old have a fit in an outdoor restaurant. The kid wanted to look at a boat in the Petaluma river, his parents wanted him to eat his…
On Saturday, we took Gideon on his first hike. He slept through much of it.
I like list blog entries. Here is a list: * January is the best time to go wine tasting. The wineries are empty and the bored winery employees give you special treatment. * I bought this fox print by Carson…
My friend Laura made this. I like it. 2012 was one of the best years of my life. A lot of that has to do with having Gideon, of course. But so many big things happened that any one of…
DevOps Troubleshooting: Linux Server Best Practices is out! I am so proud of Kyle for finishing his 8th book! In DevOps Troubleshooting: Linux Server Best Practices, award-winning Linux expert Kyle Rankin brings together all the standardized, repeatable techniques your team…
Hey check it out! I have a new article in the January issue of Writer’s Digest. “If Walls Could Talk” is about lessons I learned from visiting the houses of Mark Twain, Jack London, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and…
More from Make: Kyle wrote a post for their blog titled A Printrbot Fixed My Dishwasher. It did!
Check it out! Gideon is in the current issue of Make Magazine. He’s holding a rolling hedgehog toy that Kyle made for him through our Printrbot. That is to say, Kyle printed the toy out in plastic. Here’s a bigger…