New Kitten!

We have a new family member. She’s 8 weeks old. Name suggestions?

Trying Out The New Camera

I have a new camera. I went out on Saturday and tried it out, going to the Jack London State Park and a winery. I’m happy with it. Luther Burbank’s spineless cactus. A boy and some fish. I love this…

Things Going On Right Now

What’s going on with you? Here’s some things going on with me: I’m harvesting hops. I have at least 15 ounces of Cascade and Sterling hops from the garden. Kyle is going to make a beer with them. I’m sewing…

Book Review: Felicia Day’s Memoir

I reviewed Felicia Day’s memoir You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)for KQED, including thoughts on GamerGate. READ IT HERE.

Swimming In Produce

I saw this gorgeous garden at a winery. I want my yard to look like that. I’m regarding 2015 as a difficult gardening year. Sow bugs are devouring the roots of my plants and slowing my yield. I’m not getting…

I Love Manzanita Trees

Marcia and I went on a hike and I remembered how much I love manzanita trees. From far away, manzanitas are all scraggly and ancient and gnarled looking. They look like they belong in a Van Gogh painting. Up close,…

Article: Great Expectations in Mental Floss

Did you catch my most recent article in Mental Floss? It’s 11 Dickensian Facts About ‘Great Expectations’. Did you know Estella may have been based on Charles Dickens’s mistress? Also, remember the 1998 movie version with Gwyneth Paltrow and Ethan…