Food-Related Things I’ve Done Recently

* I went mushroom hunting a few times. Once I found a bunch of hedgehog mushrooms and took them home and made risotto. Later when I was in Whole Foods, I saw hedgehog mushrooms on sale for $30 Apparently mushroom…

Article: Secret Garden In Mental Floss

I have a new post up at Mental Floss: 8 Lovely Facts About The Secret Garden. I was surprised to learn that Frances Hodgson Burnett’s classic book is basically an allegory for Christian Science. Weird. Click here to read the…

Monterey Trip

Last month, I took a short trip to Monterey. Turns out January is a great time to visit. Here are some pictures. It was a beautiful day. Me: There’s something very old-fashioned about that man. Marcia: Is it that he’s…

The Other By Ted Hughes

She had too much so with a smile you took some. Of everything she had you had Absolutely nothing, so you took some. At first, just a little. Still she had so much she made you feel Your vacuum, which…

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

2015 was a great year for us. Here’s some things that happened: * I wrote for many publications, including Mental Floss and The Atlantic. * I won a creative writing grant! I’ll talk more about that soon. * I finished…

My Article Among Biggest Literary Stories Of 2015

Literary Hub mentioned my article in The Atlantic about literary journals charging reading fees to submitting writers among The 50 Biggest Literary Stories of the Year. It’s under number 31: Literary Journals Making Money Off Slush Piles. Check it out!

White Christmas

I took this picture outside my parent’s house today. In California, a white Christmas is a rarity. It was Gideon’s first time playing in the snow. I hope you had a good holiday this year.