Facts About I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings In Mental Floss
Check out my most recent Mental Floss post, 11 Facts About I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Maya Angelou was such a fascinating person.
Check out my most recent Mental Floss post, 11 Facts About I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Maya Angelou was such a fascinating person.
I have an article in the March/April issue of Writer’s Digest titled “When Truth Is Stranger Than (Children’s) Fiction.” Next time you’re in a bookstore, pick up a copy and check it out.
* I went mushroom hunting a few times. Once I found a bunch of hedgehog mushrooms and took them home and made risotto. Later when I was in Whole Foods, I saw hedgehog mushrooms on sale for $30 Apparently mushroom…
I have a new post up at Mental Floss: 8 Lovely Facts About The Secret Garden. I was surprised to learn that Frances Hodgson Burnett’s classic book is basically an allegory for Christian Science. Weird. Click here to read the…
Last month, I took a short trip to Monterey. Turns out January is a great time to visit. Here are some pictures. It was a beautiful day. Me: There’s something very old-fashioned about that man. Marcia: Is it that he’s…
She had too much so with a smile you took some. Of everything she had you had Absolutely nothing, so you took some. At first, just a little. Still she had so much she made you feel Your vacuum, which…
2015 was a great year for us. Here’s some things that happened: * I wrote for many publications, including Mental Floss and The Atlantic. * I won a creative writing grant! I’ll talk more about that soon. * I finished…
Literary Hub mentioned my article in The Atlantic about literary journals charging reading fees to submitting writers among The 50 Biggest Literary Stories of the Year. It’s under number 31: Literary Journals Making Money Off Slush Piles. Check it out!
I took this picture outside my parent’s house today. In California, a white Christmas is a rarity. It was Gideon’s first time playing in the snow. I hope you had a good holiday this year.
Here’s Kyle playing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen on his banjola. Merry Christmas!