I Was On A Beer Panel

I was lucky enough to be on another beer panel for All About Beer magazine. I got to taste beer and say what I thought of the nuances and flavors. Nice work if you can get it. Check out the…

I Was On The Radio In Australia

ABC in Australia interviewed me about my article in The Atlantic on the rise of plagiarism in self-publishing. You can listen to it online here!

I Went Up In A Hot Air Balloon

When it came to celebrating Marcia’s birthday this year, we decided to go on a hot air balloon ride, something both of us have been wanting to do for years. It’s great! I recommend it, even though you have to…

My Husband Is An Interesting Man

I’ve been married to Kyle 14 years this June. One of my favorite things about him is that he never ceases to explore his intellectual interests in a curious and accomplished way. Here are some things Kyle has been interested…

I Was On An All About Beer Panel

Earlier this year, I was on a beer panel for All About Beer magazine. That means I got to sit in a room with other panelists, taste beers, and come up with descriptions of nuances and flavors. It was fun.…