August and All the Birthdays

I know six people who are celebrating their birthdays this month, including Kyle, my mother-in-law, and my dad. And, last night, we learned that Kyle’s cousin Tonya (maid-of-honor at my wedding) gave birth to a baby girl, Emma Lynn. August birthday number seven!

On Friday, we had a pizza party to celebrate both Kyle and our friend Chris’s birthday. Around 15 of our friends showed up at Old Chicago Pizza in Petaluma.

Leona, Joy and Krista
(Leona, me, my giant arm, and Krista at the pizza parlor)

Afterwards, we saw Snakes on a Plane. Justin squealed and kicked his legs every time something happened on screen, making him my new favorite person to see scary movies with.

Afterwards, Leona made Kyle a Snakes-on-a-Cake cake. And, with a nod to Kyle’s love of Linux, Troy wrapped Kyle’s present in Snakes-on-a-Penguin wrapping paper that Troy designed himself.

Snakes on a Cake
(Gummy Worms and Army Men battle it out on the cake)

Snakes on a Penguin
(The caption says “Nobody Fux with Tux”)

On Sunday, we went to my parent’s house and had another joint birthday party, this time celebrating Kyle and my dad’s birthday. My grandfather, who recently passed away, upholstered chairs for a living, so my mom had all these vintage fabrics from the 1930s-1980s to give me. Many of them were hand-painted in England and France, often with intricate bird and nature scenes.

I don’t know what I’m going to do with them yet. Right now I just like looking at them.


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