Article: Wide Open Spaces

As someone who works at home, I felt a special affinity to my article on coworking in Northbay Biz Magazine. Coworking is a trend where creative professionals such as writers, software developers, graphic designers, etc., go in together on the rent of a space and use it as a shared office. The idea is to cut down on the loneliness of working by yourself and increase productivity by sharing your day with other creative workers. There’s a coworking office in Penngrove, and I got to meet the people running it and see their work situation firsthand. While I’m not ready to give up working in my pajamas yet, I thought it was a pretty cool set up.


Working at home may mean you get to keep your own hours and work in your pajamas, but it also has a downside. Too often, working by yourself can leave you lonely and floundering at the keyboard, fighting for focus and productivity. For some creative professionals, the solution to this problem is to take their laptops to the nearest coffee shop. For others, there’s coworking.

Coworking is a movement where freelancers co-lease space and use it as a shared office. Although this movement started in urban areas like New York and San Francisco, Sonoma County’s SoCo Depot was created earlier this year.

More here.