8 Things That Happened In July

July was jammed packed. It was the kind of month where at the end of the day you’ll remember something that happened and think, wait, that was this morning? because it feels like it was two days ago.

Here are 8 things that happened in July, according to my Twitter feed:

1. We found out that the NSA has flagged us for extra surveillance.

The month began with the upsetting news that the NSA has labeled people who read Linux Journal as extremists and has flagged them for extra surveillance. They’re doing this because of two anonymizing technologies called Tor and Tails, which the NSA apparently feels are “advocated in extremist forums.” Kyle has written about Tor and Tails in the past, so there’s a good chance we’re among the people being surveilled. That means the NSA is capturing our data and holding it indefinitely. Beyond that, who knows.

We found out about this right before the 4th of July, which put a damper on the holiday.

2. We rode bikes.

In June, Kyle gave me a tricycle. Then we got Kyle a bike and a trailer for Gideon to ride around in, and have been going on rides. I love bikes now.

3. We saw The Punch Brothers.

These musicians are masters at their craft. If you have a chance, you should check out this band.

4. We went to Petaluma Rivertown Revival.

This is an event to raise funds for the Petaluma river. There are lots of bands and food and everyone dresses up in steampunk for some reason. Corsets and mustaches abound. I petted a small alligator.

5. We went to a meadery.

We visited a meadery in Point Reyes. Here is a picture of the bees.

6. I visited the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa.

I learned a lot about Peanuts and Charles Schulz and have a new appreciation for the comic and the man who drew it.

7. I drank from this contraption.

This is a Kwak Belgian beer, and it was good. But also, I want this … glass? Mug? Science experiment? We’ll call it a glass.

8. We picked blackberries.

Such a plethora of riches at the side of the road right now. I already made jam. I might go again before the season is over and freeze some so we can have blackberry pie this winter.

In fact, I WILL do that.

How’s your summer going?